Command Line Tool#

To get started, create a new Python file for your extension. Let’s name it In this file, we will define the HelloWorld extension class.

Please ensure this file is within one of the configured source paths (project.source key in palgen.toml) or extension paths (palgen.extensions.folders key in palgen.toml), otherwise it will not be picked up. If you haven’t yet created a palgen.toml file please do so now.

Minimal command line tool extension#

import logging
from palgen.ext import Extension

class HelloWorld(Extension):
    """ Description for this tool """

    # disable ingest
    ingest = None

    def run(self, files: list, jobs: Optional[int] = None) -> list:"hello world")

This does not use any of the pipelines.

Adding options#

Options for our extension can be set either in palgen.toml or as command line options. So far our HelloWorld module does not have any options aside from the built-in ones (such as --help). To add some declare a subclass called Settings.

import logging
from typing import Annotated
from palgen.ext import Extension, Model

class HelloWorld(Extension):
    """ Description for this tool """

    # disable ingest
    ingest = None

    # options of this extension
    class Settings(Model):
      # This is sufficient to require `name` to exist and be of type `str`
      name: str

      # Settings can also be annotated with a help text
      greeting: Annotated[str, "The greeting to display"] = "Hello"

    def run(self, files: list, jobs: Optional[int] = None) -> list:"hello world")

Note that help texts can be added by using typing.Annotated as shown in the example above.

Full example#

Here’s a thoroughly commented full example for a command line tool. It can be found in

You can run it by invoking palgen helloworld --name somename within the examples/tutorial directory of this repository.

 1import logging
 2from typing import Annotated, Optional
 4from palgen import Extension, Model
 6# extension class must inherit from palgen.Extension
 7class HelloWorld(Extension):
 8    ''' Prints hello world '''
 9    # a docstring can be used to provide a help text
11    # we don't need to ingest anything for now
12    ingest = None
14    # settings and command line options for this extension.
15    # note that the `Settings` subclass must inherit from `Model`
16    class Settings(Model):
17        # This is sufficient to require `name` to exist and be of type `str`
18        name: str
20        # Settings can also be annotated with a help text
21        greeting: Annotated[str, "The greeting to display"] = "Hello"
23        repeat: int = 1         # Optional int, defaults to 1
24        uppercase: bool = False # Optional flag, defaults to False
27    # since we do not use data pipelines in this simple command line tool
28    # we instead override `` directly
29    def run(self, files: list, jobs: Optional[int] = None) -> list:
31        # this extension's settings can be accessed using self.settings
32        greeting = self.settings.greeting
34        if self.settings.uppercase:
35            greeting = greeting.upper()
37        for _ in range(self.settings.repeat):
38            # `logging` should be prefered over `print` for output consistency
39  "%s, %s", greeting,
42        # we didn't produce any files, so return an empty list or `None`
44        # note that `return None`, `return` and no return statements whatsoever
45        # are equivalent in Python. Any empty iterable would be fine too.
46        return []