GitHub Action#

Palgen provides a GitHub Action that allows you to easily install and run palgen. The action provides options to customize the installation and execution process based on your requirements.


To use the palgen GitHub Action in your workflow, you need to create a YAML file in your repository under the .github/workflows/ directory (e.g., ci.yml). Add the following content to the YAML file:

name: Your Workflow Name

    branches: [master]
    branches: [master]

    name: palgen Action Job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run palgen Action
        uses: palliate/palgen@master
          # Set to 'false' if you don't want to install the optional conan dependency. Defaults to false.
          conan: true

          # Set to 'false' if you only want to install but not run palgen. Defaults to true.
          run: true

          # Set the path to extension requirements.txt if needed
          requirements: 'path/to/requirements.txt'

Replace Your Workflow Name with the desired name for your GitHub Actions workflow. Modify the on section according to your desired trigger events (e.g. push, pull_request etc.).


The following inputs are available for the palgen GitHub Action:

conan (optional)#


Set this input to install the optional conan dependency along with palgen.


No (default is false)

Allowed values:

true, false

run (optional)#


Set this input to control whether to run palgen after installation or not.


No (default is true)

Allowed values:

true, false

requirements (optional)#


Set the path to the requirements.txt file for any additional extension dependencies.


No (default is an empty string)

Example value:


Workflow steps#

The palgen GitHub Action consists of the following steps:

  1. Setup Python: Sets up the required Python version. The action currently uses Python version 3.11.

  2. Install palgen: Installs the palgen Python package.

  3. Install Conan *(optional)*: Installs the optional conan dependency if conan input is set to true.

  4. Install extension dependencies *(optional)*: If the requirements input is provided with a valid path to a requirements.txt file, this step will install additional dependencies specified in the file.

  5. Run palgen *(optional)*: If the run input is set to true, this step will execute the palgen tool.