Multiple pipelines#

As mentioned before, extensions may define more than one ingest and pipeline pipeline. For this to work ingest or respectively pipeline must be a dictionary of string keys and Pipeline (or Sources, since that’s just an alias) objects.

Dictionaries in Python keep insertion order, hence individual pipelines will be ran sequentially in order.

To disambiguate steps between pipelines you can append an underscore and the pipeline’s key to the step name. If no pipeline-specific step could be found the generic one will be used instead.

from palgen.ext import Extension, Sources
from palgen.ingest import Suffix

class MultiPipeline(Extension):
    """ Description for the MultiPipeline extension """

    ingest = {
      'foo': Sources() >> Suffix('.c'),
      'bar': Sources() >> Suffix('.h')

    def transform(self, data):
        # fallback, will be used for bar
        yield from data

    def transform_foo(self, data):
        # will only be used for foo
        yield from data

    def validate(self, data):
        # will be used for both foo and bar
        yield from data

    def render_foo(self, data):
        # will be used for foo
        return []

    def render_bar(self, data):
        # will be used for bar
        return []

    def render(self, data):
        # fallback, will not be used
        return []

Full example#